For security, when any change is made to the personal details on your account, you will receive an automatic email notification from us. Some details that you will receive notifications about include:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your date of birth
- Your password
- Your two-factor authentication
You will also receive an email when you are initially setting up your Digidentity account and adding your details for the first time.
This email is sent automatically from and is generally received within fifteen minutes of a change. If you make multiple changes within a short time frame, you may see only one email with a list of the changes made in that time frame.
Checking the time and date the email was sent should give you more information as to when the change was made and in most cases will relate to the time at which you were initially setting up your Digidentity account
For a detailed list of your account activity, please visit your Digidentity Activity Details page. Should you have any questions about change activity on your account, please feel free to contact our service desk for more information.