If you receive the error message 'QR code not valid', this could be due to a number of reasons. Click on boxes below for further instructions.
1. Update the Digidentity Wallet app to the most recent version
Google Play Store- Open the Google Play Store;
- Click on the profile icon at the top right;
- Click on 'Manage apps & device';
- Click on 'Updates available';
- Click 'Update'.
- Open the Apple App store;
- Click on the profile icon at the top right;
- Swipe down the screen to see any pending app updates;
- Click on 'Update'.
2. Switch from mobile data to WiFi or vice versa
If you receive this error while using WIFI, turn off WIFI and use mobile data. If you receive the error while using mobile data, turn on WIFI and try again.3. Enable automatic date and time setting on your smartphone
Google Android- Open 'Settings' from the home screen, or application overview
- Scroll down and click on 'Date & Time', if you don't see this, manually search for 'Date & Time' within your settings and click on it
- Click the slider next to 'Set Time Automatically', or similar message, so that it is turned on
Apple iOS
- Open 'Settings'
- Click on 'General'
- Click on 'Date and time'
- Click the slider next to 'Set Automatically' so that it is turned on.
4. Disable VPN and network environment
Are you using a VPN or network environment? Turn off the VPN on your PC and smartphone, and also exit the cloud/network environment.
5. Open the website via an incognito window
Logging in via an incognito or private window will ignore your browsers’ existing cookies or cache. Also, the browser will not keep track of your search or browsing history. You can log in as follows;
Google Chrome
- Click on the three vertical dots at the top right of the screen.
Click on 'New incognito window'
Mozilla Firefox
- Click on the three vertical lines at the top right of the screen.
Click on 'New Private Window'
Apple Safari
- Click on 'File' in the taskbar of your Mac, at the top left of the screen
- Click on 'New Private Window'
Go through the above options one by one. If the above options do not work, contact the service desk.