If you are unable to log in using your 5-digit PIN, or get an error message when trying to log in, please try the troubleshooting suggestions below:
Check for app updates:
Open the app store on your device and check the updates section to make sure the Digidentity Wallet app is up-to-date
Turn on notifications:
Open the 'Settings' app on your device and check the notifications section to make sure that notifications are enabled for the Digidentity Wallet app
Log in with your email address:
Go to https://my.digidentity.eu/ and log in under the 'Use your email address' section. You can then provide your email address, your password (if asked), and select your Advanced or Qualified certificate. A notification will be sent to the Digidentity Wallet app so that you can confirm using your PIN
Check that your Advanced or Qualified certificate is present on the Digidentity Wallet app:
Open the Digidentity Wallet app, then make sure the correct Advanced or Qualified certificate is listed in the 'Log In' section. If you have multiple certificates in the Digidentity Wallet app, select the 'Switch' icon at the top-right corner of the app screen to see a list of all certificates present on your app. If you only see your email address listed as your certificate, then you may need to recover your certificate. For more information, please see: How do I recover my certificate or 5-digit PIN?
If you continue to experience issues logging in, please try the following:
- Try a different internet connection: If using WiFi, turn your WiFi off to try using mobile data instead. If using mobile data, try connecting to a WiFi network
- If you are using a VPN on your device, try temporarily disabling it
- Restart your device
- Make sure the operating system on your device is up to date and compatible.
- Please DO NOT delete the app from your device if you are still encountering issues, as this can often cause further complications. Please contact Support for assistance if the troubleshooting steps above, have not worked.