If you are unable to log in, or if you have received an error message when logging in, please follow these steps:
White Whale
If you receive the 'White Whale' error message when logging into a portal, you can take the following steps to resolve this message.Log in to Digidentity
The error message can be resolved by logging in to your Digidentity account via your laptop or PC. You can do this as follows:- Via your laptop or PC, go to my.digidentity.eu
- Enter your email address under '@ Use your email address'
- Enter your (temporary) password
- If possible, choose an SMS authenticator, and log in
Additional Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble logging in to my.digidentity.eu, please try these additional troubleshooting steps:- Update the Digidentity Wallet app to the latest version
- Turn your device off and on again
- Close the Digidentity Wallet app and open it again
- Turn off your VPN or Remote client
- Switch from WI-FI to mobile data, and vice versa
Green Tiger
If you have received the “Green Tiger” error message while logging in to your Digidentity account, try the steps below.Please note: This only concerns the Green Tiger message when you log in to your Digidentity account by scanning the QR code. Are you uploading a letter of power of attorney, company administrator's statement or employee statement? Then contact the Service Desk via the Chat icon at the bottom right of this page.
Log in with your email address
- Via your laptop or PC, go to my.digidentity.eu
- Enter your email address under '@ Use your email address'
- Enter your (temporary) password
- If possible, choose an SMS authenticator, and log in
Log in via the Digidentity Wallet app
You can also log in to the Digidentity Wallet app without having to use your PC or laptop.- Open the Digidentity Wallet app on your smartphone
- Enter your 5-digit PIN
- Click on 'Add another service' to start a new registration, or continue an unfinished registration
Additional Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble logging in to your Digidentity a, please try these additional troubleshooting steps:
- Update the Digidentity Wallet app to the latest version
- Turn your device off and on again
- Close the Digidentity Wallet app and open it again
- Turn off your VPN or Remote client
- Switch from WI-FI to mobile data, and vice versa
Something went wrong (Without ‘colour/animal’ combination) error code
Contact the Service Desk if you receive the above error message. Please note that if you receive the error message, you should look at the message carefully. Is there still a ‘colour/animal’ combination? Then look under the boxes at the top of the article.Are you still unable to log in, or use your products? Then read the general troubleshooting on the following page: General troubleshooting of the Digidentity Wallet