If your phone does not support NFC, or if your ID does not contain a biometric chip, you can try an alternative method. The steps for this may vary depending on your ID.
The following instructions assume that you will scan the QR code during your registration. You can continue the registration process as follows:
- Log into https://my.digidentity.eu/ using your Digidentity credentials.
- After logging in, you will be directed to your 'Account' page. Here, you will find an overview of your account information and the services you have started registration for. Products that are still pending completion will be listed under the section 'Continue Registration'
- Click 'Continue' on the product for which you would like to continue the registration process.
- Click on the 'Upload your identity document' bar.
- Open the Digidentity Wallet app on your smartphone and select 'Scan QR code'
- Point your smartphone at the QR code displayed on your screen.
Now, follow the steps below to provide your identity document by taking a picture of the relevant documents instead of uploading via an NFC scan. Depending on the product you choose, you can select from a passport, ID card, or driving licence.
1. Passport
- In the ‘Upload your identity document’ screen, select the 'Passport' option.
- You will then be asked if your passport has a chip symbol on its cover.
- Select 'No, there’s no chip symbol'.
You will now be asked to take a photo of the passport.
2. ID Card
- Select 'No, there’s no chip symbol'.
The app will now allow you to take a photo of both sides of your ID Card.
3. Driving Licence
- • Click ‘No, not Dutch and/or no window’
The app will now allow you to take a photo of both sides of your driving licence.
Please also note the following tips