The following information is not applicable to users applying for eHerkenning Level 2+
If you want to log in as a sole proprietor (or on behalf of a sole proprietorship) with agencies such as the Tax Authorities and the UWV, you can apply for eHerkenning. Both of these agencies require linking with a BSN, which means that verification of the BSN details of the business owner of the sole proprietorship is required.
Digidentity verifies these BSN details, and links it to the eHerkenning tool of the business owner. For more information, please visit the government website: BSNK PP.
Additional Requirements
A registration carried out on the behalf of a sole proprietorship can be completed within 15 minutes, provided that the following requirements are met;
As BSN information is only contained within Dutch identification documents, it is not possible to complete the registration via Digidentity with a non-Dutch identification document. It is also not possible to add BSN details manually.
If you only possess an ID with an issue date of August 2021 or later, you unfortunately cannot apply for eHerkenning on behalf of your sole proprietorship at Digidentity.
The owner of the sole proprietorship must register for Level 3 at a minimum. This is the only way that Digidentity can process the owner's BSN.
If you have any additional questions, you can always contact us at or by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom right of this page.