Digidentity offers several variants of eHerkenning level 3, namely:
- eHerkenning level 3 Complete
- eHerkenning level 3 Belastingdienst
- eHerkenning level 3 Insurance
- eHerkenning level 3 eIDAS
- eHerkenning level 3 Without KvK
Depending on the variant, you can choose from different subscription lengths.
eHerkenning level 3 - Complete (1, 3, or 5 years)
This product provides access to all portals at Level 3 and 2(+), such as the UWV, RVO, and the Kadaster (Land Registry). With this product, you can become a company administrator within the Digidentity environment. This grants you access to the Self Service Portal for the purpose of requesting or granting chain authorisations, viewing invoice data, inviting and approving users within your organisation, and requesting Automotive Authentication certificates. Read more about the Self Service Portal on this page.
Please note that you cannot request compensation for the use of ‘eHerkenning level 3 – Complete’ from the RVO.
eHerkenning level 3 - Tax Authorities (1, 2, or 3 years)
This product provides access only to the portal of Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk and the eHerkenning compensation website of the RVO. You cannot log in to other portals, such as Mijn RVO, the e-counter, the Land Registry, Customs (Douane), or the UWV. It also does not provide access to portals that require a lower eHerkenning level. Additionally, you will not have access to the Self Service Portal for chain authorisations, billing data, or approving users.
eHerkenning level 3 - Insurance (1 or 3 years)
This product only gives you access to a specific group of services within the insurance sector. The authorisation can be extended free of charge by a company administrator to all services. With this product you can also apply for the company administrator status for access to the Self Service Portal.
You cannot apply for compensation for the use of eHerkenning from the RVO.
eHerkenning level 3 - eIDAS (1 year)
This allows you to log in to eIDAS portals abroad. An additional BSN verification step is added during registration. If you do not hold a BSN as proof of identity, it will not be possible to purchase this product. The eIDAS variant is only available on request via the Service Desk.
You cannot request compensation for the use of eHerkenning from the RVO.
eHerkenning level 3 - Without KvK (1, 3 or 5 years)
With this method you can log in on behalf of an organization, partnership or fiscal unit that is not registered with the Chamber of Commerce but is liable for tax. A fiscal number is used, this number is provided by the Tax Authorities. You can only log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk (My Tax Authorities Business), or de Douane (Customs).
For more information about the costs, please visit this page: What are the costs of eHerkenning and additional authorisations?