Digidentity offers different levels of eHerkenning, with each of these having different prices. All prices are exclusive of a VAT rate of 21%. eHerkenning is always issued in subscription form, which can differ per level of eHerkenning..
eHerkenning level 2+
eHerkenning level 2+ is issued in three different subscription terms.- For 1 year you pay €19.95 per year
- For 3 years you pay €16.65 per year (€49.95 on the invoice)
- For 5 years you pay €13.99 per year (€69.95 on the invoice)
eHerkenning level 3
eHerkenning Level 3 subscriptions are issued in two forms. These are, a complete variant, wherein you can log in to all portals that require Level 3, and a Tax Authorities variant, where you can only log in to My Tax Authorities business, and the RVO compensation portal.eHerkenning level 3 Complete
eHerkenning level 3 Complete is issued in three different subscription terms. The Complete resource provides access to all portals at Level 3 and lower. You are not entitled to the RVO compensation scheme under eHerkenning level 3 Complete.
- For 1 year you pay €41 per year
- For 3 years you pay €30 per year (€90 on the invoice)
- For 5 years you pay €29.99 per year (€149.95 on the invoice)
eHerkenning niveau 3 Belastingdienst
eHerkenning Level 3 Tax and Customs Administration is also issued in three different subscription forms. The product only gives you access to the Tax and Customs Administration portal. You are also entitled to the RVO compensation scheme. Because the product contains fewer services, it is also cheaper. This does not give access to the Self Service Portal.
- For 1 year you pay €25 per year
- For 2 years you pay €22.50 per year (€45 on the invoice)
- For 3 years you pay €20 per year (€60 on the invoice)
eHerkenning niveau 3 Insurance
eHerkenning level 3 Insurance is similarly issued in two different subscription forms. The product is functionally the same as the Complete product, however the authorization is limited to a number of services in the insurance sector. These services can be expanded free of charge to the entire catalogue. You are not entitled to the compensation scheme of the RVO under eHerkenning level 3 Insurance.
- For 1 year you pay €41 per year
- For 3 years you pay €30 per year (€90 on the invoice)
eHerkenning level 3 Without KVK
The eHerkenning without KvK service is issued in three variants. This product is only available for foreign companies, partnerships and other residual groups. Registration of this product is only possible by means of a Fiscal number (FI).
- For 1 year you pay €41 per year
- For 3 years you pay €90 per 3 years
- For 5 years you pay €149.95 per 5 years
You will also need to pay €40 for verification costs per product registration.
eHerkenning level 4
eHerkenning level 4 RemoteThis tool is issued in three variants. You will need to pay an additional one-time cost of €90,- per account. You will also pay recurring subscription costs (per product registration);
- For 1 year you pay €42.50 per year
- For 3 years you pay €88.50 per 3 years
- For 5 years you pay €145 per 5 years
Cancellation is possible after your initial contract period has expired. If you have eHerkenning level 3 (1 year), you can cancel after the 1st year. Similarly, if you have eHerkenning level 3 (3 or 5 years), you can cancel after the 3rd or 5th year.
Add a Company
Do you need to log in on behalf of an additional company? You can add an authorisation to your account in two ways, via a standard authorisation or a chain authorisation
Standard Authorisation
Adding a company consists of making a purchase within your existing account. You pay the costs of the required product, and the authorisation is added as part of the registration. The same rates apply here as in the boxes mentioned above.
Click here for more information about a standard authorisation.
Chain Authorisation
If you need to log in on behalf of a customer who already has eHerkenning, or if you already have eHerkenning and need to authorise your intermediary, you can utilise a chain authorisation.
Granting a chain authorisation to an intermediary costs €21 excluding VAT.
Requesting a chain authorisation from a company is free.
NOTE: Both parties must already have eHerkenning.
Click here for more information about chain authorisations.