As part of the "eHerkenning without KVK" registration process, you will be asked to upload a Letter of Authorisation. This Letter of Authorisation must be filled out by an authorised signatory, who is permitted to act as a legal representative for your entity, to confirm that you are permitted to register for the 'eHerkenning Without KVK' service on their behalf.
This letter can be uploaded by scanning the QR code provided on the Letter of Authorisation via the Digidentity Wallet app. Please be aware that the authorised signatory must upload the letter themselves. Please do not post your Letter of Authorisation to our office, this letter must be uploaded via the Digidentity Wallet app with use of the QR provided on the Letter itself.
When uploading your letter, please make sure to follow the guidelines below, to ensure a successful upload. You may select each heading below for further information.
Uploading your Letter of Authorisation
The Letter of Authorisation should be uploaded as follows:
- Open the Digidentity Wallet app, and select the "Scan QR" icon on the bottom-right hand corner of the screen
- Scan the QR code present on the Letter
- Take a photo of the entire printed letterÂ
- Select the identity document that you would like to use for verification
- Take a photo of your identity document when prompted to do so by the Digidentity Wallet app
- Take your selfie by following the instructions on-screen
- You will then be asked to confirm your upload
Zorg ervoor dat er voldoende licht in de ruimte is, maar geen directe lichtbron achter u.
When filling out the Letter of Authorisation, please ensure that the following steps have been adhered to:
- The Letter of Authorisation must be printed out before being filled in. Any uploads of digital copies of a Letter of Authorisation will be rejected.
- The Letter of Authorisation must be filled out, and signed by the authorised signatory only, as they are authorised to act as a legal representative for the entity for which the registration is being carried out.
- Only the forename and surname of the authorised signatory is required, there is not a need to include any middle names.
- The authorised signatory must manually fill in their name, and date of birth, on the dotted lines provided in the first paragraph of the Letter of Authorisation
- The signature provided by the authorised signatory at the bottom of the Letter of Authorisation must be a 'wet-ink' signature. Digital signatures will not be accepted
- The location and date of the signing must be filled accordingly in the lower-right corner of the letter.
Uploading your Identity Document for verification
When the authorised signatory is submitting the Letter of Authorisation, it is required that an upload of their identity document is also submitted so that their identity may be verified. Please adhere to the following guidelines when uploading your identity document
- The identity document provided must belong to the authorised signatory.
- The identity document provided must be an original form of the document itself. It is not possible to upload a copy or scan of an identity document.
- The identity document uploaded must be in-date, and the legal name provided on the identity document must match the name provided by the authorised signatory on the Letter of Authorisation
- A photo of the entire identity document page must be taken. Please ensure that the signature placed on the identity document is also visible in your upload.
- Pay attention to any glare or light reflection when taking your photo, as all details on the identity document must be visible when being uploaded
Uploading your Selfie for verification
Once the identity document has been scanned successfully, you must then take a selfie so that we may match the identity document provided with the person carrying out the upload. Please adhere to the following guidelines when taking your selfie:
- Make sure there is enough light in the room.
- Hold your device at eye level so that the angle is similar to the photo on your ID document.
- Hold the camera yourself while taking your photos and during the motion-detection that follows.
- Stand against a neutral background (such as a blank wall if possible). This will help the camera to focus on your face
- Move your head slowly in the direction indicated by the app (if your movement is too fast, it may not be recognised)
- Make sure that there are no other people in the image with you for the duration of the process
Once the Letter of Authorisation has been uploaded, one of our Service Desk representatives will contact you directly to arrange for a legal document, confirming the status of the legal representatives of your organisation, to be sent to us for a manual review.
Once this review process has been completed, it will then be possible to proceed with the registration process.
For more information concerning the legal documentation that is required, please see What legal document can I use to prove the status of my organisations legal representatives?