When you purchase a PKIo SBR certificate from Digidentity, you will first need to register for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. During the registration process, we will verify your personal and company information. You will also receive authorisation to request a PKIo SBR certificate on behalf of your company, as well as a Qualified certificate that enables you to log in to the Digidentity website..
Please note: We will send you e-mails for the three different parts of the Digidentity Certificate Manager registration. The registration consists of:
A PKIo SBR certificate - The PKIo SBR certificate that you use in your tax software package. The certificate is valid for 3 years and costs €550 excluding VAT.
An authorisation - Permission to request the PKIo SBR certificate on behalf of your company. The authorisation is valid for 5 years. There are no costs associated with this part of the registration.
A certificate – the primary login method of the Digidentity Wallet app. This certificate is valid for 1 year. There are no costs associated with this part of the registration.
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1. PKIo SBR Certificate
You can apply for the PKIo SBR Certificate once you have completed the registration for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. The certificate is priced at €550 and is valid for a period of 3 years.We will send you several reminders about your certificate renewal before it expires. You can expect to receive emails at the following intervals: 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, 10 days, and 1 day prior to the expiration date.
2. Authorisation
The authorisation is granted during the registration process for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. This authorisation allows you to request a certificate on behalf of a company and is separate from the actual certificate.An authorisation is valid for a period of 5 years. If you registered for the product before 2023, your authorisation may have been valid for less than 5 years.
We will send you reminders about the renewal of the authorisation at two key points before it expires: 7 days before the expiration date and after the authorisation has expired.
Please note that the authorisation can only be renewed after it has expired, and renewing the authorisation is free of charge.
3. Certificate
A certificate is a login method that you receive when you create an account through the Digidentity Wallet app and/or when you register for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. You will be issued a 'Qualified Certificate,' which is created using your full official name.This certificate is valid for 1 year, and you are required to renew it annually.
The Digidentity Certificate Manager product & the PKIo SBR certificate have different expiration and renewal dates. Therefore, keep the above three parts of the registration well separated, and read the e-mails we send carefully. This way you ensure that your business operations are not compromised.