PKIo SBR Certificates
Everything about the 3-year G1 SBR Certificate can be read here.
- How do I apply for a PKIo SBR certificate?
- How much does a PKIo SBR certificate cost?
- I lost my PFX file or forgot the password of the PFX file (PKIo SBR)
- How do I revoke a PKIo SBR certificate?
- How do I renew the PKIo SBR certificate?
- Which PKIo certificates does Digidentity offer?
- My PKIo SBR application is rejected at the 'Identity check' step
- What components does a Digidentity Certificate Manager registration & PKIo SBR certificate consist of?
- RemoteID
- How do I use the PKIo SBR certificate?
- The PKIo SBR certificate is downloaded as file extension 'undefined'
- How do I extend my Digidentity Self Service Portal level 4 authorisation?