To log in with a chain authorisation, both the “main company” and the “intermediary” must be set up correctly. The main company grants a chain authorisation and approval for a number of services. The intermediary requests access to a number of services when applying for the chain authorisation. Use the following checklist to ensure that your chain authorisation is set up correctly.
Checking your authorised services
Check your authorised services by viewing the chain authorisation in the Self-Service Portal.
- Log into your Digidentity account via:
Go to the 'Companies' tab;
Click on the company for which you are acting;
- Click on the 'Chains' tab;
- Click on the Chain Authorisation in question;
- Click on the 'Review';
- Click on 'eHerkenning';
- Click on 'All services';
- Select the correct services and click on 'Authorise' .
Do the services match your client or intermediary?
In the case of a chain authorisation, it is important that the selected services by both the main company and the intermediary fully match. If there is any variation here, the chain authorisation will not work. It is important that you check this carefully.
Does the portal you want to log into support chain authorisations?
Check that the portal you want to log into supports chain authorisations. The Tax and Customs Administration and the UWV support chain authorisations.
Specify chain authorisations per employee
A chain authorisation can only be requested and approved once per employee. Every employee who uses this chain authorisation has access to the same services. It is not possible to assign different employees and services within one existing chain authorisation.