To change the email address on your account, please follow the steps below:
- Go to and provide your login details
- In the 'Contact details' box on the next page, select the 'Edit' link next to 'Email'
- Fill in your new email address. Please take care when entering your email address to make sure it has been provided correctly
- You will now be sent an email confirmation code to the new email address. Enter this code on the Digidentity web page
Please note that once your email address has changed, this will become your new 'username' when logging in. Any correspondence regarding your account will also be sent to your new email address.
Using your updated account
Once your email address has been updated, please see the following page for steps to log in to the service you require: How do I return to my registration? If you have already completed your registration, you will be automatically redirected to the service you need.
Log in with eHerkenning
Please note: If you use eHerkenning on portals that require e-mail validation, such as the ABS Portal, you must also change your e-mail address on the account of that portal. If you do not do this, you will no longer be able to log in. In that case, contact the service desk of the portal.
Business email address
The business email address associated with your account is only used for billing purposes. You can change this by contacting us directly.