An employee's subscription can be terminated at the end of the term. Before proceeding with the termination, please read the following points carefully;
It is not possible to temporarily stop a subscription. If the company administrator follows the steps below, the subscription cannot be reactivated once the original term has expired.
- If you see multiple products listed with an employee and only one subscription, you can safely leave the existing products. Only one product is paid for, which is always the highest level. The hierarchy of levels is as follows: eHerkenning Level 2+, eHerkenning Level 3 Belastingdienst, eHerkenning Level 3 - Complete / eHerkenning Level 3 - Insurance / eHerkenning Level 3 - eIDAS, and then eHerkenning level 4 Remote.
Cancelling an employees subscription
An employee subscription can be cancelled by the company administrator, who may follow the steps below:
- Via your laptop or PC, log into the Self Service Portal
- Select the relevant organisation
- Click on 'User'
- Click on the employee in question
- Select 'Cancel subscription'
- Confirm the termination
- The subscription will then be terminated at the end of the term..
Please note: Nothing with regard to the invoices that have already been issued will change. If you have any questions about any of the invoices, please contact us at