Before you begin the registration process for 'eHerkenning Without KVK', please make sure that you possess the requirements set out in What do I need in order to register for eHerkenning Without KVK?
With regard to eligibility, it is possible for Dutch, and non-Dutch, organisations to register for this service for the purpose of accessing the Dutch Tax Authority (Belastingdienst). It is also possible to register if you are an individual who must access this service for the purpose of paying VAT.
What is the cost to register for eHerkenning Without KVK?
When registering, it is possible to choose between a 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year subscription for "eHerkenning Without KVK". The pricing for each subscription is as follows:
- 1-year subscription: €41 (excl. VAT)
- 3-year subscription: €90 (excl. VAT)
- 5-year subscription: €149.95 (excl. VAT)
Please note that we charge a one-time document validation fee of €40 for each registration. This fee is the same for each subscription level, and is not included within the pricing specified above.
The Dutch Tax Authority will compensate users for the cost of eHerkenning without KVK, however please do liaise with the Dutch Tax Authority directly for more information regarding this. For further information, please follow this link.
Beginning the Registration
To begin the registration process for 'eHerkenning Without KVK', please follow the steps below:
- Visit the eHerkenning Without KVK Website
- Select 'Register Now'
Creating your Digidentity account
- Provide your email address
- Create, and confirm, a password
- Accept the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Statement
- A confirmation code will then be send to your email - please fill in this code
- Select 'Start the Registration' for the eHerkenning Without KVK service.