Product specific information and guidance.
eHerkenning Without KVK
- What do I need in order to register for eHerkenning Without KVK?
- How do I begin the registration process for eHerkenning Without KVK?
- What is a Fiscal (FI) Number ?
- Where can I find my Fiscal (FI) Number?
- My Fiscal (FI) Number is not recognised, what can I do?
- Can I register for eHerkenning Without KVK as an individual?
eSignatures (eSGN)
- What is eSignature?
- eSignature validity in the UK and EU
- Are there special device or document requirements to register for eSignature?
- How do I sign up for eSignature with Digidentity?
- How can I upgrade an existing eSignature product?
- What types of file can I sign?
Adobe Sign
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Sociale VerzekeringsBank
- Manual 'Extend Company Certificate'
- Relying Parties - Changes to the provision of services of ABC company certificates
- Lost BCC and/or mailbox password
- Change Company Certificate Administrator
- ABC tool not opening
- Error message ‘No BC account found’
Automotive Authentication
- What is an Automotive Authentication (AA) certificate?
- How do I request an Automative Authentication certificate
- I can't proceed after clicking 'Withdraw and continue', what now?
- I have a new email address, how do I request an AA certificate?
- I lost my PFX file or forgot the password of the PFX file (Automotive Authentication)
- How do I gain insight into Automotive Authentication certificates within my organisation?
PKIo SBR Certificates
- How do I apply for a PKIo SBR certificate?
- How much does a PKIo SBR certificate cost?
- I lost my PFX file or forgot the password of the PFX file (PKIo SBR)
- How do I revoke a PKIo SBR certificate?
- How do I renew the PKIo SBR certificate?
- Which PKIo certificates does Digidentity offer?
- What do I need to register for eHerkenning PROBAS?
- Where can I find my organisation's PROBAS number?
- How do I designate an authorised representative?
- How do I start the registration for PROBAS?
- My registration is stuck on pending, what should I do?
- Can I retry my application to verify that I am the Authorised Representative?