A Digidentity account and registration consists of various components. Below, a distinction is made between the components included within each type of product.
In the case of an eHerkenning registration, these components consist of:
A subscription – A product purchase under the term length of your choice. You will receive an invoice for this subscription
An authorisation - Permission to log in on behalf of a company. This forms part of the registration process, and there are no costs involved.
A certificate – The primary login method of the Digidentity Wallet app. This forms part of the registration process, and there are no costs involved.
Digidentity Certificate Manager
In the case of a Digidentity Certificate Manager product, these components consist of:
An authorisation - Permission to request a PKIo SBR certificate on behalf of the company. This forms part of the registration process, and there are no costs involved.
A certificate - The primary login method of the Digidentity Wallet app. This forms part of the registration process, and there are no costs involved.
A PKIo SBR / Automative Authentication certificate – This certificate is often used in a tax software package. This forms part of the registration process, and there are no costs involved.
These components have a certain validity period. We will inform you by email, and send further instructions per component, if necessary.
1. Subscription
eHerkenning wordt in verschillende abonnementsvormen uitgegeven. Een abonnement is een contract dat u aangaat met een specifieke looptijd. De abonnementsvorm bepaalt de hoogte van uw factuur.eHerkenning 2+ & eHerkenning 4 Remote
A subscription for eHerkenning level 2+ and level 4 Remote is set at 1 year. You will receive a new invoice every year.
eHerkenning 3
eHerkenning level 3 is issued in various subscription forms. More information can be found here: What variants of eHerkenning level 3 are there?
The term for eHerkenning level 3 is 1, 2 or 3 years , unless stated otherwise. If you purchase eHerkenning level 3 Complete - 3 years, you will then receive a new invoice every 3 years.
2. Authorisation
An authorisation concerns the official permission of a director to log in on behalf of the company.
If you completed an eHerkenning registration in 2022, or extended your eHerkenning authorisation, your authorization is valid for 5 years. This is the maximum term allowed by the eHerkenning management body for authorisation terms.
If you completed an eHerkenning registration before 2022, your authorisation may be or have been valid for 1, 2 or sometimes 3 years. The difference between these terms concerns both internal and external regulations. After extension, your authorisation is valid for 5 years.
3. Certificate
A certificate is a login method that is obtained when you create an account via the Digidentity Wallet app and/or when you purchase a product. Different products have different certificate levels.Personal Certificate
A personal certificate is created based on the e-mail address used for account registration. This certificate is valid for 3 years. After 3 years, you must renew your certificate. You create a certificate when you create your account via the Digidentity Wallet app, when you purchase eHerkenning level 2+ and when you have purchased eHerkenning level 3 after October 2021.
Advanced Certificate
An Advanced certificate is created based on your full legal name. This certificate is valid for 1 year, and must be renewed every year If you registered for ‘eHerkenning Level 3’ before October 2021, you would have been assigned with an Advanced certificate. If you purchase an eSignature Advanced product, you create an Advanced certificate to compliment this.
Qualified Certificate
A Qualified certificate is created based on your full legal name. This certificate is valid for 1 year, and must be renewed every year. You are assigned a Qualified certificate when you purchase eHerkenning level 4, eSignature Level 4 products, Digidentity Certificate Manager, or eSEAL.
4. PKIo SBR / Automative Authentication Certificate
A certificate is a file that is downloaded by the applicant during the application process. Digidentity currently issues ‘PKIo SBR’ certificates with a validity of 3 years. An Automotive Authentication certificate is also issued with a validity of 1 year. These certificates must be renewed at the end of this term.Summary
If you do not complete the registration on the same day that you started it, the validity of your certificate, authorisation and/or your subscription will not match. In that case, you will receive your reminders, and further instructions, at different times.