To appoint a new Authorised Representative, please follow the steps below:
Designate a new authorised representative
This can be done in the MFA Protocol ePortal by the Registration Officer of your organisation. This person must complete and submit a change of status form via a ‘change request’ (‘eHerkenning’) for the new authorised representative. The new authorised representative in question must also be a staff member of the organisation.
Request eHerkenning
As soon as the above-mentioned step has been completed, the new Authorised Representative can request eHerkenning from Digidentity. As part of the registration, Digidentity will check to see if they are registered in PROBAS as the organisation’s Authorised Representative. Once this has been established, the requestor will be given access to eHerkenning and will be registered within the eHerkenning system as the organisation's administrator for eHerkenning.
Cancel the subscription of the Authorised Representative that is leaving
Once a new authorised representative has been appointed, this person can cancel the subscription of the Authorised Representative that is leaving. To do so:-
- Log into the Self-Service Portal.
- Select the 'Users' tab, in the left-hand menu
- Click on the relevant person
- Select 'deactivate'.
Check and amend billing information (if necessary)
After removing the previous Authorised Representative, please verify that the correct billing information is attached to the organisation. Billing information can be amended under the 'Invoices' tab in the Self-Service Portal.
The former Authorised Representative's subscription is now cancelled.