Algemene Informatie
- What is SERMI?
- What does SERMI cost?
- When does my country go live with SERMI?
- Who can use SERMI?
- How long is a SERMI certificate valid for?
- What is the validity period for the QR code in a SERMI invitation?
Inwerken & Ondersteuning
- How do I onboard as a Conformity Assessment Body?
- How can I get support as a Conformity Assessment Body?
- When can a Conformity Assessment Body start to onboard Independent Operators and their employees?
- Which technical possibilities does Digidentity offer to setup the connection for SERMI?
- How can I setup and connect to the Digidentity's SERMI APIs?
- How do I acquire production credentials?
Hoe SERMI te gebruiken
Independent Operators
- How do I apply as an Independent Operator?
- How do I Log into a Vehicle Manufacturer's Portal with my SERMI Certificate?
- What happens if an Independent Operator Employee loses access to their phone?
- What happens if an Independent Operator Employee has too many wrong attempts when entering their PIN code?
- What Terms and Conditions do Independent Operator Employees need to be accept during onboarding?