You can sign any PDF document with your Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) or Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) when using Adobe Acrobat Sign.
Please note Adobe Acrobat Reader does not support cloud-based signatures to allow you to sign a document with your QES or AES.
If you have received a request to sign a document using Adobe Acrobat Sign via email, see more information on Adobe website:
If you have a document that you wish to upload and sign in Adobe Acrobat Sign:
Once you have uploaded and opened your document in Adobe Acrobat Sign, please follow these steps:
- Directly above the document, you will see 'Sign'. Please click this and a dropdown menu will appear with 3 options. Click 'Add Digital Signature'
- A popup window will appear asking you to choose how to apply the digital signature. Ensure 'Cloud Signature' is selected and click 'Next'
- Another popup window will appear where you can select your provider and you will see Digidentity. Please click 'Next'
You will be asked to log in with your Digidentity credentials if you are not already logged in to your account
Next, you will see your signing certificate (Qualified or Advanced).
If you have more than one certificate (for example Qualified and Advanced), please ensure the certificate you wish to use is selected, then click ‘Next’
- You can now place the signature on the document. Once you are happy with your signature placement, please click 'Done' on the top right.
- You will now see a popup window advising you that the signature authorisation request has been sent to Digidentity for approval
- You will receive a push notification from the Digidentity Wallet app on your mobile phone. Once you open the app, you will be advised you have a document ready to be signed. Please click 'Sign'
- You will now be asked to enter your personal 5-digit PIN to sign the document.
- Once you enter your PIN, you have successfully digitally signed the document.
- You can return to Adobe Acrobat Sign, where you will be able to download or send a copy of the signed document.