An SBR certificate, also known as a Digipoort certificate, is a PKIo certificate that is generally used to communicate with the Tax Authorities. An SBR certificate is a Private Root certificate issued on our own (G1) Root. The SBR certificate is often installed in a tax software package.
An SBR Certificate, with G1 root, has a validity of 3 years. The costs for this certificate are € 550 (excl. VAT). This certificate does not contain a domain name.
The PKIo SBR certificate is available via the Self Service Portal. First you must register the Digidentity Certificate Manager product, and complete the registration.
You can click on the green texts to expand a box with more information about the subject.
Digidentity Certificate Manager
To apply for a PKIo certificate, you must register for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. During registration, we confirm your identity and you are authorised to apply for a PKIo SBR certificate on behalf of a company. There are some requirements for the product.Digidentity Certificate Manager registration requirements
To request a PKIo certificate, you will need to register for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product. This product has the following requirements;- A passport, driving licence, or an ID card with an NFC chip. Identity documents that carry an NFC chip will have a square symbol with a circle in it.
- A smartphone with an NFC reader, which is included within the following devices;
- iPhone 7 (or later models) running at least iOS14
- Android devices supporting version 9 or higher.
(For proper operation we always recommend the most recent OS version)
If you do not meet the above requirements, you will unfortunately not be able to complete the registration for the Digidentity Certificate Manager product and you will not be able to purchase an SBR certificate from Digidentity.
- Create your Digidentity account via:;
- Click on the 'Services' tab;
- Scroll to the 'Available services' tab;
- Under 'Digidentity Certificate Manager', click 'Buy Now';
- Click on 'Upload your identity document';
- Scan the QR code with the Digidentity Wallet app;
- Follow the steps in the app to successfully submit your identity document;
- Digidentity will then process your details. Once verified, you can continue;
- Enter your Chamber of Commerce (KVK) number;
- Enter your business details.
Digidentity will then check the Chamber of Commerce register to confirm your authorisation to act on behalf of your company. If you are independently authorised, the registration is complete. If this is not the case, our system will create letter(s) of authorisation. These must be signed and delivered according to the instructions on the letter(s).
Tips for uploading your letter(s)
Tips for uploading your letter(s) can be read on the following page: Tips for delivering letters.
After successfully uploading the letter(s), you can continue with the registration..
- Scan the QR code on the screen to create your Qualified certificate
- Set, and confirm, your 5-digit PIN
Once the product registration has been completed, you can apply for the SBR certificate.
Requesting an SBR certificate
After the registration process for Digidentity Certificate Manager has been completed, you can then request the SBR certificate.
- Log into the Self Service Portal
- Select the relevant organisation
- Select the 'Certificates' tab
- Click on 'Request new certificate'
- Click on 'Select' for the 'SBR certificate for Digipoort (PKIoverheid)'
A series of automated checks will then be carried out. If any check is rejected, please reach out to the Service Desk for assistance. Once the checks have been successfully completed, you will receive an overview of all the data that will be included in the certificate.
- Click 'Next'
- If you have received a promo code; Enter the code and click 'Apply'.
- No code? Leave the field empty.
- Click 'Next'
- Click 'Next' again
- Click on 'Confirm'
- Click on 'Generate'
- Click on 'Save certificate'
- Select the recommended file type (.pfx). If necessary, you can also choose one of the other file types
- Secure the certificate with a password. Enter it a second time to confirm the password.
- Click on 'Save'
You can only download the certificate once. Therefore, keep your certificate and password safe. If you can no longer find your certificate, or if you no longer have the password for the certificate, you will have to request a new certificate.
Your certificate is located in the specified directory, normally the download directory. Please keep the certificate safe, it can only be downloaded once.
Once downloaded, you can upload the certificate to your tax software package. If uploading is not successful, please contact the supplier of the software package in question. Digidentity does not provide support regarding the installation and implementation of the PKIo certificate.
Components of the PKIo SBR certificate & the Digidentity Certificate Manager product
A product registration and the PKIo certificate contain different expiration dates. We send e-mails about each of these points at different times. This can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, read the following article so that you are well prepared:
What components does a Digidentity Certificate Manager registration & PKIo SBR certificate consist of?