Any smart card that is created for a Digidentity account will have a set expiry date and must be renewed periodically for security purposes. If your smart card expires without being renewed, then you will no longer be able to log in to the Digidentity Wallet app in order to access the service(s) you had registered for.
This expiration date will depend on the level of your smart card, and you will be notified via email when your smart card is due to expire. You should be sent emails on days 30, 14, 7, 2 and 1 prior to your smart card expiring.
Qualified and Advanced smart cards will be valid for 1 year after creation, and all other Personal smart cards are valid for 3 years.
To renew your smart card, please follow the steps below:
- Open the Digidentity Wallet app
- Select the smart card that is due to expire under the 'Log In' screen
- Enter your 5-digit pin
Your smart card will then be renewed. Should you have any difficulty completing this process, don't hesitate to get in touch with our service desk for assistance.